CNN on Tokyo’s green streets and vertical gardens

CNNのインタビューです。みんなが小さな緑をたくさん作って、東京生活を楽しくしています。路地と区役所のイノベーションについて話しました。@KyungLahCNN さん、 ありがとうございます。

CNN broadcast their interview with me about how neighborhood gardens make Tokyo life so enjoyable. Focus on small green streets & local government innovations. Thanks @KyungLahCNN

You can view CNN’s interview with me about urban life in Tokyo and the role of public gardens in making Tokyo a livable city. I am very pleased to share with CNN’s audience the contrast between Tokyo’s modern boulevards, many crushed by elevated freeways in the poshest districts, and the backstreets of residential neighborhoods where small public gardens and avid gardeners make the world’s largest city seem like a collection of hundreds of villages.

In the second segment, I show off Suginami ward’s giant green curtain. This is a great example of local government maximizing the possibilities of its resources, and showcasing a simple solution that even apartment balcony gardeners can copy. Thank you CNN’s Kyung Lah, a charming interviewer and presenter.

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