A rose named “hope” sounds cheesy but is actually a super-rose


In May, I went to the “home center” (Nakano Shimachu) and bought the most expensive rose (about US$ 30). It’s name is L’Espoir, or Hope. It scores a perfect 5 in every attribute: grows well in pots, size of flower, scent, bloom frequency, and ease of growing. It’s also dedicated to the Tohoku March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

I am generally skeptical of industrial gardening, but I gave Hope a try. It turned out great on the 10th floor balcony. It may not have grown that tall, but it required no pesticide and bloomed often. I love the scent. To me, scent is essential in roses.

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One comment

  1. Nice! $30 does not even seem that bad, if one considers that here, too, container roses – often of run-of-the-mill and unsuitable for the home garden varieties – usually range somewhere from $25 to to $40 at the garden center. The heirloom varieties that I tend to be more interested are usually a bit cheaper, but one has to mail order them and has to pay for shipping, and invariably gets a much smaller plant. Not necessarily a bad thing, though, since smaller plants might transplant and take better anyway, just requires more patience.

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