
“City of Trees” brass band plays at Castro Street Festival

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Sunny skies and an anti-eviction t-shirt. Very SF 2014. Here’s some more info about City of Trees Brass Band.

Is Tanuki party the only one calling for immediate end to nuclear power?



Another Tanuki Party campaign poster spotted in front of a Nakano elementary school.


Rain did not stop anti-nuclear protests over weekend


Crowds shouted “no to restarting” the nuclear reactors. First of 50 remaining plants fired up yesterday in Oi, also the scene of large protests.

Making wall vases at Shiho ceramic studio


In preparation for the November Shiho students’ ceramic show, I am expanding from flowerpots to wall vases. This is what they looked like after I connected the slabs together. Later comes trimming and carving, baking, glazing, and second baking. I am experimenting with reversing front and back, and how to angle the box that holds the water and flowers.