
A city view without people

Often I bike under this maze of freeways, and sometimes I look up and see the Opera City tower rising 50 floors above. A city view without people and plants seems sad to me.

Whenever possible, I bike through Yoyogi Park these weeks

できるときはいつも、自転車で代々木公園を通ります。最近 、天気がよかったから、楽しんでいる人がたくさんいました。

Whenever biking towards Shibuya or Aoyama, I make sure now to bike through Yoyogi Park. The weather has been beautiful, the leaves just starting to fall, and plenty of others enjoying the sunshine.

Gorgeous suburban road leading to Nodai campus


This road beneath a canopy of street trees leads to the Nodai campus from Chitose Funabashi. When I commute there by bike, it makes a lovely end to my ride.