
What kind of message is “Do not frighten others” at the beach?


鎌倉と逗子の新しいビーチのルールの中に、「人が怖がることはしない」がありますが、とても曖昧では? 刺青を禁止する新しいルールをすでに破っている人が多いを見て、嬉しかったです。それから、日本で「飲み過ぎる」というコンセプトはあるのでしょうか。

Revised beach rules in Kamakura and Zushi include new signs with absurd rules, including cover tattoos and do not drink too much. I was happy to see the tattoo rule being flaunted, and really, in alcohol-soaked Japan, who is going to define “drink too much”? The “Do not frighten others” is the most ambiguous.

Animal garden ornaments

Tsukishima garden animals

What do you think of animals as garden ornaments? It seems that the desire to populate urban areas with animals goes hand-in-hand with cultivating plants. Does it add to urban life or detract?

A sustainability entrepreneur friend recently told me how much he dislikes the “clutter” and bad taste of old ladies using styrofoam planters for street pots. I imagine he would take a similarly dim view of animal ornaments.

There is a sometimes ambiguous line between trash and art, the living and the never animate. I wonder if the garden animals are dissimilar from the public space plants: a way to take ownership of the street, to make public space personal, “alive,” and magical. They can also be chaotic or unattractive.

Below is a statue of “tanoki,” a popular if somewhat obscene racoon figure of myth. I like how he is accompanied by a duck, elephant, dog, elf, two smaller tanokis, and a white picket fence.

Tanoki and animal friends in Nakano