
Multi-use space: parking tower, Buddhist temple, pedestrian priority side street

この新宿二丁目の一角が好きです。お寺の仏像の赤い服はよだれかけみたいです。墓と庭の一部は三階建てのエレベター ・パーキングタワーになってしまいました。背が高い木のおかげで、散歩したり話したりするのに、いい路地です。
I like this strange block in Shinjuku ni chome. There’s a temple with a lovely buddha statue wearing a red cloth bib, and part of the garden and graveyard have been given over to a three elevator automated parking tower. The tall trees also make this a good side street for strolling and chatting.

Shinjuku Gyoen is gorgeous in spring. So many trees blooming!


Even on a weekday before peak cherry blossom season, Shinjuku Gyoen has plenty of photographers and people strolling around the trees. The yellow flowers in the foreground are sanshuyu, a Northeast Asian dogwood that produces cherries and is used in Chinese medicine. I like the documentation and how the pond connects the yellow and pink blossoms.