Yoyogi Park

Is this the best place and time to spread fear?


My favorite line, on this sign outside the bathroom, is “Avoid showing skin.” I know there were incidents of dengue fever from mosquitos in Yoyogi park in late summer. But it’s been too cold for mosquitos since October, and how exactly will you use the restroom “without showing skin”?!

Dance troupe gets ready in Yoyogi Park

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I am not sure what type of dance festival it was, but this group has incredibly high hair and great costumes.

Break-time and waiting for the next jump


休憩時間に、次のジャンプを待っています。若いので、怖いもの知らずなのでしょうか? 見るだけで充分楽しかったです。

Does youth make these riders more fearless? Pedal Day also featured BMX jumping. It was fun to watch.


Would you lie down and let this crazy BMX rider jump over you?



More than 16 people lined up side by side on the ground, and allowed this crazy BMX rider to jump over them. Like bike rodeo, for me it was much more fun to watch and photograph than to risk injury. Sometimes watching is best.

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