
Personal essay relates how my creative Tokyo neighbors inspire my balcony gardening


中野と新宿の近所の庭について、「The Plant」というスペインの雑誌に記事を書きました。インタビューと記事で、庭を作る個人的な理由を考えます。残念ですが、今のところ、記事は英語だけです。

Around this time last year I worked with film photographer Daisuke Hamada on a long article about flower pot gardens in Tokyo for The Plant, a semi-annual magazine from Spain. The article combines a personal essay about the pleasure of urban gardening and includes two interviews with my Nakano neighbors who have created public beauty with very limited space and budgets.  Some blog readers have asked for a copy, so I am attaching a PDF scan here (3 MB).

Shared Beauty: Tokyo’s Pot Gardens. The Plant, Issue #3. Fall, 2012.
