
Approaching the un-renovated side of Nakano station

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There’s a certain retro glamour to the un-renovated South entrance of JR Nakano station. When I am back in the US, I miss the ability to go literally anywhere by train. The cleanliness and comfort is unsurpassed.

Tanuki again inserts himself into Japanese electoral politics. Who would you trust most?


Will tanuki receive more votes than last election?

Tanuki stops for a foot bath on his way into Tokyo. Volunteers remind him of countless rules.



At the foot bath, volunteers remind tanuki that, like most places in Japan, there are countless rules to follow here. Can a wild animal find happiness in the world’s largest city? Please find out tomorrow when tanuki visits Shibaura House to discuss Making Friends.

Shinto prayers at nearby empty lot. Will a house replace this summer-time bat field?


I did a double take on my bike as I passed this portable Shinto ceremony on a nearby empty lot. Ostensibly, they are praying to the local gods in advance of constructing a residence. But I think this is not the first year they’ve done the ceremony here.

This summer the weeds were rampant, and the empty space became a bat colony. Somehow the Mercedes in the foreground of a Japanese religious ritual no longer surprises me, even in Nakano.

Lupinus re-made into showy annual. It’s only barely recognizable from American species.


This winter seems to never end. So I biked over to the local home center recently, and loaded up on bright flowers including daffodils, tulips, stock, and this amazing lupinus. I am familiar with it as a very handsome deep blue flowering perennial, native to North America, that becomes a bush. I’d never seen it in candy colors and bred for maximum floral display. It’s at once familiar, odd, and just the right antidote for more cold days.