
Happy birthday, Tanuki-san!

たぬきの日常は六本木でsexy ladyと遊んだり、オランダ大使館で裸になったり、よるは皇族の迎賓館でのんびりしている。そんなステキな生活をおくっているたぬきさんの誕生会は、やっぱりファミリーレストランココスだ。ビーフハンバーグステーキ(Aセット・パン)とメロンソーダでお腹いっぱいになったたぬきさんは幸せだ・・・・・
たぬきさん、お誕生日おめでとう!In everyday life Tokyo Tanuki shares snacks with sexy laydees in Roppongi, gets naked at the Royal Dutch Embassy, and hangs out at the Imperial State Guest House at night.  For his birthday though he regains power by taking it easy at the local Coco’s Family Restaurant – imbibing copious amounts of melon soda and scoffing hamburger steak and cheese cake. This souvenir photo will be on display at Akishima Coco’s for the month of November. Thanks to the local staff, and God Bless マニュアル化.

Happy Birthday Tanuki!

Biking up the Tama river to sit in cool water


It was a great treat to get a bike tour of the Tama river from Akishima to Fussa with Chris from @a_small_lab. The wildness of this wide river in summer was refreshing, and I was surprised to see the rolling hills on the other side. We cooled off in this quiet stretch of water.

Chris showed me the origin of the Tamagawa josui, a historic canal that brought fresh water to Edo since the mid 1600s. It’s hard to believe this mix of wilderness, industrial decay, outdoor municipal swimming pools, river fishing, and residential life is also part of Tokyo.