
Persimmon bonsai in two stages: new leaf, and early summer


This persimmon bonsai has been very easy to care for, and this year I’ve pulled two branches down to the base of the trunk, creating a circular shape. Above is how it looks now at the verge of summer. Below, new leaves pushing out in March.


Unharvested persimmons and big moon over Nakano



These persimmon fruits are well past ripe, and just clinging to the branches. At dusk, the moon seems to be the same size as the fruit.

Winter pond reflects landscape and sky in Shinjuku Gyoen


Even on the briskest cold days, it’s such a pleasure to cross Shinjuku Gyoen. The bare cherry tree in the foreground, reflections, and upside down landscape and sky are dazzling on a clear day.

Four mature trees growing in 25 centimeters of earth outside Nishi Azabu home


I love how this Nishi Azabu corner house has maybe 25 centimeters of space and a three-story tall garden of mature trees and bushes. The deciduous trees provide summer shade, and in winter the bare branches have a different appeal.

Thousand year old tree damaged in last week’s typhoon


The oldest tree in my neighborhood, which a sign claims is a thousand year old zelkova, was damaged in last week’s typhoon. I often pass by it, and recently posted about the beautiful wood support recently installed. Unfortunately, the part that fell was the larger main branch that was also previously damaged and repaired. I hope the tree can pull through this major damage.

Huge sakura branches outside soba restaurant


[Date: March 7, 2011]

I love how this ordinary Shibuya building uses minimal natural materials, including wood, stone, and sakura branches, to create an elegant and nostalgic atmosphere.

Camo tree adds graphic flair to street

I love this camo trunk tree, and the graphic flair of its trunk, branches and leaves. It’s almost unreal.

Its Latin name is Platanus, and it’s sometimes called American sycamore. A hybrid called London Plane is popular in many global cities, but this camo-trunked type is my favorite.

The Cutting Garden at Flora Grubb Gardens

The Cutting Garden at Flora Grubb Gardens

One of my favorite nurseries anywhere, Flora Grubb Gardens in San Francisco, just announced the opening of a floral store within the store, the Cutting Garden. Susie Nadler will be featuring plants from FGG’s farm and other California growers, using unusual local plants like proteas to create unexpected and wonderful bouquets. I have seen Susie’s flower arranging, and know she’s talented.

I also like the idea of a flower store that feels like it is gathering plants from its own “cutting garden.” It is far more ecological than the supermarket-style florists brining agri-chemical roses from other continents. And it may inspire some customers to grow the plants that they admire in the arrangements.

I love the description of some of the plant material they will be using: “otherworldly palm fruits and flowers; California pepper berry branches, with their spicy pink pods; delicate tree fern fronds with coyly curled tips.”

Definitely worth checking out! Here’s some fall bouquets.

Cutting Garden at Flora Grubb Gardens