lucky rake

First step, toss your old rake in this big pile

recycle_kumade_tori_no_ichi_hanazono 始めに、去年の熊手をここに投げています。そこ大きい熊手は高かったそうです。 Last year’s rake must have cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. That’s the price of good luck. pile_recycle_kumade_tori_no_ichi_hanazono

Lucky rakes help your business in the new year

kumade_tori_no_ichi_hanazono - Version 2


This year I learned that the sound the rakes make in collecting your prosperity is “zaku zaku” (ザクザク). You can still get your lucky rake at Hanazono shrine in Shinjuku on Friday November 21 and Saturday November 22 from 10 pm until dawn.