pedestrian path

The loquat tree by the Royal Host is full of almost ripe fruit



I just saw a small plate of 5 loquats for 700 yen at the store. On the south side of Nakano’s JR station, next to the Royal Host on Nakano Dori, there’s an enormous loquat tree full of fruit. It’s right above the pedestrian path, and seems to be free for the eating.

Plum blossoms on pedestrian path give off intoxicating scent


On a cold overcast day, these white plum blossoms provide a thick sweet fragrance. It reminded me of narcissus and early spring, although we’re still in mid-winter.

Fruit tree and old home covered in thick snow



The Showa-era home and its old persimmon tree I always pass on the pedestrian path look magical under thick snow.