
Rough seas with no land in sight

It’s a strange feeling to be in the open sea. In my opinion, only 4 or 5 hours were truly difficult out of the 50 hour round trip voyage. Others have different experiences, even on the same boat.

Sidewalk rice is decorative and brings a little country to the city


Growing rice in buckets on the sidewalk isn’t likely to put any rice farmers out of business. Still, it’s a lovely sight in Tokyo during the summer, and brings a country feeling into the hard-surfaced city.

Full fall folliage on Omotesando


On a recent wet night, Omotesando’s Zelkova leaves cast a golden glow on the sidewalk. It seems that fall leaves are late this year in Tokyo, but with a sudden drop in temperature the trees are now putting on a show. Like cherry blossom viewing, it’s an ephemeral sight. Check on the street trees this week!