
Is it safe to go into the ocean? Probably not, but . . .



In the heat of August, who can resist a visit to the ocean? Despite the on-going revelations about nuclear leaks, the ocean is irresistible. This is Onjuku in lower Chiba. Below is the river that passes near the station. The tall skinny palms remind me of California.


This lovely shiso plant is growing in a small crack in the sidewalk


The four seasons micro garden I often pass on the way to the station has a new summer addition. Shiso is growing from a crack. Almost all the other plants are in pots, so I wonder if this was planted or just sprung up naturally. It looks delicious!

A temporary fishing pool for kids


I like this fishing game that’s often at Japanese festivals. Above is from Asagaya’s Tanabata festival. The scoop is made of a paper that quickly dissolves, so you want to catch as many fish as fast as you can.

Lively Green Drinks monthly event by @greenzjp held @shibaurahouse

楽しい @Greenzjp のGreen Drinks Tokyoのイベントに参加しました。素敵な@ShibauraHouse で行われました。東京ローカルフルーツについて、ちょっと話しました。Green Drinks Tokyoのイベントは毎月あって、自分で作るおにぎりもあります。

The Green Drinks Tokyo event hosted by @greenzjp and held @shibaurhouse was very lively. Greenz.jp is creating a lot of content and community around sustainability in Japan. I spoke briefly about Tokyo Local Fruits. There’s make-your-own onigiri and a lively group eager to learn and share.

Winter pond reflects landscape and sky in Shinjuku Gyoen


Even on the briskest cold days, it’s such a pleasure to cross Shinjuku Gyoen. The bare cherry tree in the foreground, reflections, and upside down landscape and sky are dazzling on a clear day.

The places between spaces enchant


I was captivated by this narrow green space between residences in Omotesando. The places between spaces have a tremendous appeal in dense Tokyo. This tiny space supports 15 meter tall bamboo, a tree shedding its leaves for winter, and the ubiquitous shuro palm tree that self-seeds throughout Tokyo.

Rose and fujibakama evoke West and Japan


In my balcony garden, I like juxtaposing plants that evoke different places. Here is a late-blooming pink rose, originally from Asia yet cultivated extensively in Europe, along with fujibakama, one of Japan’s seven fall flowers. Mixing forms, colors, and histories make even the smallest garden fun.