
Construction workers have replaced plants outside our apartment



No one likes construction. However, the workers are extremely organized and polite. When they pass by, they pretend not to look inside. And we pretend not to see them.

Planning a small garden at a new house in Nakano


I was so happy to see that the new neighbors are putting in a small garden. They built their house on a lot that used to have weeds and summer-time bats, after holding a Shinto ceremony. I am excited to see what they plant.

Leap Day snow falling on the Sobu line train


Leap Day in Tokyo saw a surprising amount of snow, falling in large gobs from the sky and from roofs. Someone tipped me off that the trains are less impacted than the underground subway, and that snow slows the city less than rain. I took photos of a routine trip from my home.

The snow helped me see Tokyo again from a fresh perspective.