Month: September 2014

I miss the endless city views from our Tokyo balcony

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In San Francisco, we live on the ground floor. I miss the endless city views from our Tokyo balcony.

Banana tree offers a tropical vibe on a narrow Tokyo balcony

Autosave-File vom d-lab2/3 der AgfaPhoto GmbH


On our Tokyo balcony, late summer clouds, Edo-style morning glory, New Zealand flax, and a banana tree are a mix of Pacific Ocean geographies.

Approaching the un-renovated side of Nakano station

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There’s a certain retro glamour to the un-renovated South entrance of JR Nakano station. When I am back in the US, I miss the ability to go literally anywhere by train. The cleanliness and comfort is unsurpassed.

A very urban, summer scene, with yukata sidewalk party, Odakyu train, and office tower

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A rose named “hope” sounds cheesy but is actually a super-rose


In May, I went to the “home center” (Nakano Shimachu) and bought the most expensive rose (about US$ 30). It’s name is L’Espoir, or Hope. It scores a perfect 5 in every attribute: grows well in pots, size of flower, scent, bloom frequency, and ease of growing. It’s also dedicated to the Tohoku March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.

I am generally skeptical of industrial gardening, but I gave Hope a try. It turned out great on the 10th floor balcony. It may not have grown that tall, but it required no pesticide and bloomed often. I love the scent. To me, scent is essential in roses.

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Dance troupe gets ready in Yoyogi Park

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I am not sure what type of dance festival it was, but this group has incredibly high hair and great costumes.

Costumed superhero cleans up debased Nihonbashi, once the center of all Japan


満月マンというスーパーヒーローの仕事道具は、ほうきとちり取りです。暑い日でも、支持者と一緒にほうきとちり取りを持ってきます。昔は、日本橋は日本国道路元標でしたが、オリンピックの開発後は、とても品格がなくなってしまいました。満月マンのおかげできれいになりそうです。どうもありがとう。m(_ _)m @mangetsu_man

This superhero’s tools are a broom and a dustpan. Mangetsuman even works on the hottest summer days. He explains his vision came to him in a dream, and he inspires others to also assemble here with broom and dustpan.

Most of his fans get his superhero business card. He gave me a micro-box of lemon drops. Special!


Blame the last Olympics for the freeway running on top of Nihonbashi bridge. Mangetsuman, a costumed cleaning superhero, armed with broom and dustpan, had a dream one night and decided to take on the mission of cleaning up the bridge.