small business

Tea cup balconies and giant chef’s head decorate entrance to Kappabashi, Tokyo’s Kitchen Town



Between Asakusa and Ueno is Kappabashi, or Kitchen Town, a great place to buy everything from pots and pans to kitchenware and even the plastic foods restaurants use to advertise their menus outside. I’d seen the giant chef’s head online, but was completely surprised by the red, white and blue teacup balconies across the street and next to the police box.


“Twins.” My relocated balcony morning glory is blooming at my in-laws’ garden



I received this lovely cellphone photo from Shu’s mom, with the title, “Twins!” With the weather getting cold, I am surprised the morning glory is still flowering. At Kuge Crafts‘ rear garden.

Maritime shipping company has been operating for decades in this pre-Bubble office



The Bauhaus-like architectural simplicity and the decorative ceramic tiles mark this commercial building as product of postwar industry and trade, long before the excess of the Bubble. It’s lovely to see maritime companies that have done business for decades still exist along Tokyo’s waterfront.

I am amazed that no stranger has yet eaten these sidewalk cherry tomatoes Chinese restaurant on busy sidewalk

Outside a Chinese restaurant on busy sidewalk.

Giant sidewalk weed is as tall as the shop behind it. Anyone know what it is?



It seems that the shop owner has long accommodated herself and her shop to the annual giant weed that ‘s growing just in front. The leaves are enormous. What is this summer weed?

UPDATE: Thanks to my smart readers, I’ve learned it’s called キリ (kiri) in Japanese and Paulownia tomentosa in Latin.

My Tokyo garden and design work is featured in a fashion brand video


My friend Sho, whom I met in Nakano, created this promotional video for a Japanese fashion brand called ID Daily Wear. You can see that I am wearing their super high-quality and made in Japan pocket t-shirt. But it’s cool that the video also introduces my high-rise garden, the field of design anthropology, and why my neighbors inspire me to document Tokyo Green Space. The photography and especially the editing tell a a big story in a few minutes. The Japanese translation is also superb. Thanks, Sho!

Mesh bag and clothes pins protect sidewalk blueberries


I love how this neighbor is protecting her delicious blueberries with a mesh bag and some clothes pins. It’s such a DIY solution. She must be looking forward to eating the berries.

Beefy tomatos ripen outside of workshop on busy sidewalk



These mid-summer tomatoes look so delicious. I like how this small workshop owner always grows spectacular sidewalk plants.


These seven office tanukis took the Making Friends workshop back to work


芝浦ハウスの「タヌキと友達を作ろう」のイベントで、参加者が7つのお面をオフィスに持ってかえりました。@watanukinow さんが、オフィスの方たちの写真を送ってくれました。ありがとうございます!

Tanuki sent one of the Shibaura House Making Friends with tanuki lunchtime participants back with seven masks and some snacks wrapped in a scrotal cloth resembling fabric. Thanks, @watanukinow for sharing this great photo of your co-workers! 

Marigolds provide spots of color in hand-made ceramics



These were some of the first ceramic flowerpots I made at my in-laws studio, Kuge Crafts. Here I’ve added some bright yellow and orange marigolds that I picked up at the nearby supermarket for 100 yen each. The ceramic are thick and heavy, which makes them ideal for a sometimes windy location. And the white glaze makes them easy to match with different flowers and herbs.

Selling small fig trees at local flower shop



I couldn’t resist buying one of these tiny fig trees for sale at a Nakano flower shop I frequent. Only 700 yen!