small streets

Framed just right, this Tokyo house looks like it was magically transported from another place and another time



This abandoned house is two houses from my Tokyo apartment. I am always amazed to see that it remains standing.

My favorite San Francisco sidewalk flowerpot garden



Just down the street from me in San Francisco lives a Swiss landscape designer. His sidewalk garden, and especially this broken pot planted with succulents, is my favorite.

The mailbox, buzzer and family name are all that’s left after Nakano demolition



This is the end of the demolition series. I took this photo with my iPhone as I was leaving Nakano for a trip to San Francisco on September 1. I am curious whether the mailbox will still be there later this week when I return.

Construction worker poses on top of truck, in front of his job site


For weeks, each time I passed the demolition site, the teenage worker would greet me. He seemed eager to pose for photographs. Here he is on top of the truck that hauls out metal scrap.

The same Western house, now deconstructed



In the heat of summer, the young workers dismantled the 1970s house seen in the last post. The demolition reveals the steel structure and large internal courtyard.

Western style home from the 1970s also getting scraped



The second house seems somewhat more recent and more Western in style, with lots of fancy metal work and a mix of brick and concrete. During the demolition, archaic machines were perched above the front entry.

At the start, the demolition truck is still empty


The houses to be demolished are the Showa-era one with blue roof tiles and the neighboring house on its left.