
View from the UV tent of the mouth of Tokyo bay and across to Chiba


For those sensitive to the sun, a UV tent is essential. An early beach day at Miura Kaigan, towards the southern tip of Kanagawa.

Shinjuku cemetery framed by mysterious new construction



I am confused by this new 6 story tower at the corner of a cemetery in Nichome. There are few windows, except for this giant floor to ceiling view of the graves on the first floor. Will this become 6 stories of micro-bars? Or is it a new vertical space to perform funerals and ceremonies for the dead?

With the fence down, the view out back looks like a deep jungle


The palm on the left side comes from high altitude Hawaii, and is uniquely suited to San Francisco’s cool ocean-side climate.

Viewing Tokyo from within the gates of the Imperial Palace



A strange feeling to be leaving the Emperor’s home after his birthday address, with a view of the Marunouchi and Tokyo Station district from inside the imperial gates. The public is invited inside only twice a year.

A closer view of decorative grass on Tokyo balcony



The color and movement of this grass growing in a small flowerpot are very enjoyable.

View across Tokyo towards Sky Tree as the sun drops lower


I love this view of Tokyo from the window next to our elevator. Tokyo is at once dense and variegated, with a mix of two story residential buildings and ten story mid-rises, the towers of Higashi Nakano and Nakano Sakaue, and in the far distance, Sky Tree.

View towards Koenji from hallway makes me wonder where are the trees?


The opposite side of the apartment from our balcony is a hallway with an enormous view of inner west Tokyo, including the Chuo and Sobu line trains. There’s a serious shortage of trees and open space.

Kitchen, balcony, and city in one frame, plus new summer fig tree


This is the view from one end of our narrow balcony to the other, facing east towards Shinjuku. The twin towers are the Tokyo Metropolitan Government buildings, and to the right is the Park Hyatt hotel from the movie Lost in Translation. In the foreground is the fig tree, a new addition this summer.


The view from the kitchen out to the balcony and the city. A floating sky jungle makes me feel at home.


Our kitchen has sliding glass doors that open out to the balcony. By early summer, the green curtain and shrubs have filled out, providing some privacy and the feeling of a floating sky jungle. The plants make me feel at home.

Outer moat viewed from the Ichigaya JR station platform


In a city with surprisingly few water views, this JR station at Ichigaya looks out onto the Outer Moat (Soto Bori). It’s a beautiful site from the station platform, a wide river and natural bank lined with cherry trees.

Our view from the living room includes green curtain and the cityscape


I am surprised that the Okinawa morning glory on our balcony continues to bloom into November. The benefit of having a very small apartment is that you are always close to the window, the garden, and the city around you.

Dramatic view down Ome Kaido towards Nakano Sakaue


I love the dramatic clouds, and how Nakano Sakaue beams with light and activity. The building in the southwest corner of the main intersection has an awesome, transparent erector-set spine in the middle of two office columns.

Ome Kaido is one of west Tokyo’s oldest and longest streets. In its current incarnation, it is six auto lanes wide and the fastest route between Shinjuku and Ogikubo. Underneath is the Marunouchi Metro line.